Rebel Belle
Your dog is your one and only. The climate, the environment and animal welfare are also very important to you. There’s just one problem… How best to feed your four-legged friend and still remain true to your principles? After all, meat production consumes a lot of resources and releases greenhouse gasses. On top of that, […]
Discover our delicious veggie and vegan bowls!
But how will your beloved pet get all the protein and nutrients they require from a meat-free food? Our high-quality Rebel Belle food contains plenty of the essentials your dog needs. They can be found in: Cottage cheese, yoghurt, quark, Skyr and whole egg And of course, we also have excellent protein sources for vegan […]
Rebelicious tasty and great for the climate: 100% vegetarian and vegan bowls Rich in essential protein, WITHOUT meat Supplies all the most important vitamins and minerals Satisfies all nutritional needs and can be fed daily Pure, natural ingredients – no fake stuff Made in Germany Environmentally beneficial and promotes animal welfare!